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Macerate   Listen
Macerate  v. t.  (past & past part. macerated; pres. part. macerating)  
To make lean; to cause to waste away. (Obs. or R.)
To subdue the appetites of by poor and scanty diet; to mortify.
To soften by steeping in a liquid, with or without heat; to wear away or separate the parts of by steeping; as, to macerate animal or vegetable fiber.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Macerate" Quotes from Famous Books

... she added, "Roland, you must not fast; you have dispensation; you are young, and to youth food and sleep are necessaries not to be dispensed with. Husband your strength, my child,—your sovereign, your religion, your country, require it. Let age macerate by fast and vigil a body which can only suffer; let youth, in these active times, nourish the limbs and the ...
— The Abbot • Sir Walter Scott

Words linked to "Macerate" :   souse, soften, sop, debilitate, dowse, macerative, waste, drench

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