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salty - sambre
sambre river - san marinese
san marinese - sandbar shark
sandberry - sannup
sannyasi - sapling
sapodilla - sarcodinian
sarcoid - sash weight
sash window - saturday night special
satureia - saururus
saururus cernuus - saw wood
sawan - scaffold
scaffolding - scanning
scansion - scartella
scartella cristata - scheelite
schefflera - schmidt camera
schmidt telescope - schrod
schrodinger - scipio the elder
scire facias - scomberomorus
scomberomorus cavalla - scotch gale
scotch kiss - scramble
scrambled - screw key
screw log - scrummage
scrumptious - scutigeridae
scuttle - sea of azov
sea of cortes - sealed
sealed instrument - seating capacity
seating room - second degree burn
second earl grey - secret
secret agent - securities analyst
securities and exchange commis - seed vessel
seed weevil - seism
seismal - self asserting
self assertion - self hatred
self heal - self sowed
self sown - semi wild
semiabstract - semisynthetic
semite - senior vice president
seniority - sensorial
sensorimotor - separator
separatrix - serdica
sere - seriousness
seriph - service charge
service club - set decoration
set down - seventh avenue
seventh chord - sex chromatin
sex chromosome - sgml
sgraffito - shakedown
shakedown - shanks pony
shannon - shattered
shattering - sheepman
sheeprun - shem
shema - shikse
shill - shipping company
shipping fever - shock troops
shock wave - shop girl
shop mechanic - short story
short subject - shovel
shovel board - shrimp fish
shrimp newburg - shuttle
shuttle - sickeningness
sickish - sidestroke
sideswipe - sigmodon
sigmodon hispidus - sildenafil citrate
silence - silly
silly season - silver tip
silver tongued - simper
simperer - singapore dollar
singapore island - sinistral
sinistrality - sir anthony philip hopkins
sir anthony vandyke - sir joseph banks
sir joseph john thomson - sirrah
sirup - siwan
six - skank
skank - skiagraph
skiagraphy - skinny dip
skinny dip - skyrocket
skysail - slash
slash pocket - sleep apnea
sleep around - slice
slice - slipcover
slipknot - slough
slough - slurry
slush - smaltite
smarm - smoke
smoke alarm - smoothhound
smoothhound shark - snake plant
snake polypody - snellen
snellen chart - snow blinded
snow blindness - so called
so far - social function
social gathering - sociopathic personality
sock - soft drug
soft finned - sojourn